Comparison of Learning Outcomes on Reading Comprehension of Prathom 5 Students under Learning Management Based on Mind Mapping versus STAD Techniques

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บุญโฮม พิมพ์หอม
ยุพิน จันทร์เรือง
อัญชลี เท็งตระกูล


The objectives of this study were: 1) to examine the effciency of the lesson plan
on reading comprehension of prathom 5 students between the learning managment based
on mind mapping and STAD techniques against the 80/80 standard criteria; 2) to compare
the learning outcomes on reading comprehension of prathom 5 students between the
learning management based on mind mapping and STAD techniques; and 3) to compare
the satisfaction of prathom 5 students toward the instructional management on reading
comprehension between mind mapping and STAD techniques. There were two sample
groups of prathom 5 students in their 1st semester of academic year 2014. The frst was
17 students from Sansaingam Wittaya School, Thoeng district, Chiang Rai province, in the
instructional management on reading comprehension using mind mapping technique. The
second was 18 students from Ban Huay Khrai School, Thoeng district, Chiang Rai province,
in the instructional management on reading comprehension using STAD technique. The
research instruments were lesson plan, achievement test, and questionnaire investigating
the students’ satisfaction. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics including
percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test. The fndings showed that:

1. The instructional plan on reading comprehension of prathom 5 students based
on mind mapping showed the effciency at 83.27/83.95 while the effciency of STAD
technique was 82.89/83.60 in which the learning managment based on the two techniques
were higher than the 80/80 standard criteria.
2. The comparison results of reading comprehension of prathom 5 students
between the learning management based on mind mapping and STAD technique were
different. The learning outcome of the students after receiving the learning management
based on mind mapping was higher than those students under STAD technique with the
signifcance level of .01.
3. The satisfaction of prathom 5 students from Sansaingam Wittaya receiving the
learning managment based on mind mapping, in overall, the students held the satisfaction
at the highest level (gif.latex?\bar{X}= 4.56, S.D. = 0.57) while the satisfaction of the students from Ban Huay
Khrai School receiving the learning management based on STAD, in overall, the students
held the satisfaction at the high level (gif.latex?\bar{X} = 4.21, S.D. = 0.75). So, the comparison of the
satisfaction level of the students from two schools based on t-test with the confdence
level of .05, the t-test score was 3.39 which indicated that the mean score of learning
managment based on mind mapping was higher than that of the learning management
based on STAD.

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