An Application of Multidimensional Item Response Models for Developing The Item Bank of Pre O-NET Test in Thai Subject

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พัชราภรณ์ ไวกุณฐ์วิวรรธน์
ไพรัตน์ วงษ์นาม


This study aimed to analyze the items quality of Pre O-NET examination by applying
multidimensional item response models and construct the Pre O-NET item bank in Thai
subject at grade nine levels. Analyze the item quality of Pre O-NET examination in Thai
subject at grade nine levels; parameter estimation with multidimensional 3-parameter normal ogive model by NOHARM program using the Pre O-NET test scores of grade nine students
of 500 students by using the multi-stage random sampling techniques. The instruments
used in this study were comprised of 188 items of Pre O-NET test in Thai subject at grade
nine levels. The multiple 4 choices test for analyzing parameter estimation. The
confrmatory factor analysis and multidimensional 3-parameter normal ogive model by
NOHARM program were used in data analysis. The study found that 163 items of the test
have the MDISC ranging between 0.024 to 0.435 and the MDIFF ranging between -3.489 to

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