The Role Enhancement of Monk and the Conflict Problem in the Three Southern Border Provinces

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ประสงค์ โตนด
พิชิต พิทักษ์เทพสมบัติ
พงศ์สัณห์ ศรีสมทรัพย์
ศรีสมภพ จิตร์ภิรมย์ศรี


The purposes of this research were 1) to study the causes of the conflicts effected
difference in many aspects of identity of the monks 2) to study the conflicts effected
Buddhist religious performances together with religious 3) to study the trend of enhancing
monk roles in 3 southern border provinces. The research methodology of this study consisted
of documentation researches concerning academic researches, formal documents, offcial
data records and historic inscriptions, the intensive interview relating monks, Thai Buddhists
and Islamic leaders. It was not a kind of structured interview. The open end questionaire
formats and flexible interviews were set to use in friendly atmosphere of daily life. The
samples were 63 persons. To survey people’ visions along the area levels in 3 southern
border provinces could be worked with people residing in the area, government offcials,
merchants as well as business owners-being Thai Buddhists. The closed end and
questionaire formats with 5 level measurement including the analysis using average and
deviation values were designed for this study. The samples were 90 persons.
The results of research can summarize such as: 1) For the causes of the conflicts
effected monks, most of the people’ visions indicating causes from seperatism process.
The monks performed for food offering and had religious ceremony trips must be
assessinated. When no more Buddhist in 3 southern border provinces, such land actually
became Muslim state. 2) For the conflicts effected religious performances, most of the
people’ visions indicating the most of the religious ceremonies effected. The ceremony
schedules adjusted from night to day time, for example, the Candle Light Ceremony in
order that Buddhists could join the performances safely. 3) For the trend of enhancing
monk roles, most of the people’ visions indicating actions of Buddhist spreading over
schools, Buddhist communities for faith of the people. The monks can inspire teachers,
lacking in force, as victims of assessination caused from some Muslim’ lost relatives acted
the government recognized to be interested in justice. For the obviously well relations
between Islamic and Buddhist religions, in a part of Buddhist enhancement, not only the
training programs of Buddhist study for children and youth along the schools but also the
Buddhist pioneer camps promoting activities along the monasteries in 3 southern border
provinces should often be done by the monks in cooperation with the government.

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