The Study of Organisation’s Working Environment Factor That Relate With The Success to Thai Rotary Club Management

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รัตนาพร เลารุจิราลัย
เกียรติชัย วีระญาณนนท์
วรรณสินท์ สัตยานุวัตร


According to the research, it has purposes to study about the successful
management of Thai Rotary Club and organisation’s environment factor which relates to
a successful of Thai Rotary Club management. The data collected from executives of Thai
Rotary around 4 regions including 257 clubs from 334 clubs which can consider as 76.90%.
The questionnaire is used as a research’s tool, then analyse with statistical methods which
are descriptive statistics and inferential statistics.
The result of this study represents that most of Thai Rotary’s executives have
opinions about working environment within the organisation that use to manage Thai
Rotary Club in many aspects as follow; the overall picture is consider as a medium range
at mean 3.39 as all aspects are in medium level. To arrange those in order, frst is value
or organisation’s culture, next is management format, organisation’s strategy, skills, abilities,
staff, organisation’s structure and operation system which are all at mean 3.71. There are
also some aspects that can consider as a medium level which are fnancial, internal process,
education and development, also members.
The prove of hypothesis shown that organisation’s environment factor which are
organisation’s strategy, organisation’s structure, operation system, staffs, skills, education
level, abilities, management format and contemporary value or organisation’s culture are
all relate to a positive aspect for successful of Thai Rotary Club management at a signifcant

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