The Development in Learning Centers for Supply Chain Management of Safety Agricultural Products (Santol) by Community Participation in Lop Buri Province

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จิราวรรณ สมหวัง


The objectives of this research were to 1) study supply chain management of
safety agricultural products (santol) in Lop Buri province, 2) develop learning centers for
supply chain management of safety agricultural products (santol) by community participation
in Lop Buri province, and 3) transfer knowledge from supply chain management of safety
agricultural products (santol) in learning centers. Research samples consisted of famers,
community leaders, farmer leaders, government offcers, academic offcers, experts, and
learning center users. Quantitative data was analyzed in terms of descriptive statistics.
In addition, qualitative data was analyzed in terms of content analysis.
Research fndings were as follows:
1. Supply chain activities for the santol production could be seen in upstream,
midstream, and upstream activities. Upstream activities were material sourcing and
procurement such as santol trees, santol wrapping papers, fertilizer, insecticide, and water
supply. Midstream activities were growing, maintaining, and harvesting santol. Moreover,
downstream activities were distributing and selling santol and santol products.
2. The development of learning centers for supply chain management of safety
agricultural products (santol) by community participation in Lop Buri province comprised
of four processes which were knowledge acquisition, knowledge creation, knowledge
storage, and knowledge transfer.
3. The knowledge transfer from supply chain management of safety agricultural
products (santol) in learning centers could be seen in 1) the online database of the supply
chain management of safety agricultural products (santol), and the seminar of supply chain
management of safety agricultural products (santol). The users’ satisfaction on the seminar
was at the highest level.

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