Development of English Reading for Main Idea Skills by Cooperative Learning with CIRC Technique of Mathayomsuksa 2 Students of Chiang Rai Municipality School

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กุลธิดา แก้วตาบุศย์
ผาสุข บุญธรรม
สุดาพร ปัญญาพฤกษ์


The purposes of this research were to construct and fnd out the effciency of lesson plans for English subject of Mathayomsuksa 2 students of Chiangrai Municipality School 6 (CRMS6) through cooperative learning using Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) technique, to explore student’s pre-study compared with their post study obtained from the implementation, and to study the students’ satisfaction towards the learning management through Cooperative Learning using CIRC technique.

The sample group of this study consisted of 46 Mathayomsuksa 2 students at CRMS6 in Muang Chiangrai district, Chiangrai province in the second semester of the academic year 2013. The research instruments drawn for this study were 5 lesson plans in English subject, and an achievement test consisting of 20 multiple choice questions with 4 choices for each question. The results of the study are as follows;

1. The overall effciency of the lesson plans in English subject of Mathayomsuksa 2 students of CRMS6 through cooperative learning using CIRC technique was 85.59/87.10 which was higher than the set 80/80 the standard of criteria.

2. The achievement of the reading for main idea of the students that were taught by using cooperative learning with CIRC technique of Mathayomsuksa 2 students of Chiang Rai Municipality School showed that the post-learning was more valuable than the pre-learning in the signifcant statistics at 0.05 level.

3. Mathayomsuksa 2 students were satisfed toward the learning management through Cooperative learning by using CIRC teaching at a very high level.

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