The Study of Mechanism and Potential for Sustainable Nature-based Tourism Activities Arrangement in Ubon Ratchathani

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อัยรดา พรเจริญ
ปิยกนิฏฐ์ โชติวนิช
สรายุทธ พรเจริญ
ดุสิต จักรศิลป์


This research aims 1) to study mechanism for sustainable nature-based tourism activities arrangement in Ubon Ratchathani, 2) to study potential for sustainable nature-based tourism activities arrangement in Ubon Ratchathani, and 3) to compare potential of various aspects of parks. The results are found that:

1. From interviewing, relevant officers who operate mechanism for sustainable nature-based tourism activities arrangement have to participate with themselves for success of works in the same rules. These procedures comprise various aspects such as activities, operational objects of activities, finance, physical and facilities, tourism plan, public relation and marketing, human resources, safety and risk, and customer relationship.

2. Nature-based tourism attractions in Ubon Ratchathani is able to be potentiality of tourism activities arrangement with various aspects; the value of natural resources from tourism activities is a good level; safety from tourism activity operation is a moderate level; and tourism activity popularity is a good level.

3. Pha Taem national park has potentiality of the value of natural resources, safety, and popularity with the most level (the highest potentiality), and Pha Luang Waterfall Forest Park has the least potentiality.

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