The Study of School Administrators’ Behaviors on Their Effective Conflict Management, Offce of Chiangrai Primary Educational Services Area 3

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นพฤทธิ์ ก้อนใจ
ไพรภ รัตนชูวงศ์
ประเวศ เวชชะ


The purposes of this study aimed to explore the school administrators’ behaviors
on their conflict management held in the Offce of Chiangrai Primary Educational Services
Area 3, and to identify the on-going strategies for the school administrators’ behaviors on
their conflict management held in the Offce of Chiangrai Primary Educational Services Area
3. For data collection, the samples were consisted of school administrators Chiangrai
Primary Educational Services Area 3 two instruments constructed for gathering data were
an open–ended questionnaire and an interview were both conducted with 110 school
administrators working for the Offce of Chiangrai Primary Educational Services Area 3.
The data were statistically analyzed through using percentage, mean, and standard deviation;
were then presented with the descriptive

The fndings of the study revealed that the school administrators’ behaviors on
their conflict management held in the Offce of Chiangrai Primary Educational Services Area
3, according to Howat and London’s Theory, all were rated at a moderate level in terms
of their compromising-based conflict management, followed by their reconciling-based
conflict management, and their commanding- based conflict management. Otherwise, the
school administrators’ behaviors on their conflict management compared with their gender,
educational backgrounds, specialized position, and school sizes, showed that those who
aged between 31-40 years, with their avoidance-based conflict management, were mostly
observed, meanwhile, those who aged between 41-50 years, with their compromising-based
conflict management, were mostly seen. Also, those who aged up to 51 years, with their
reconciling-based conflict management, were mostly observed. It was, overall, showed
that their commanding-based conflict management was rarely observed in all three groups
mentioned above.
Furthermore, the school administrators’ bias conflict together with their required
goals, contra-conception, conflict of interests, as well as the school administrators’
self-disappointment related to their laurel consideration, and career competition were
mostly explored.
Next, the suggested implications of the school administrators’ conflict management,
according to Howat and London’s Theory, were divided into fve aspects:
1. The school administrators’ confronting-based conflict management was
employed with their uncertainty and extremeness of conflicts;
2. The school administrators’ avoidance-based conflict management was
well-planned for their bias and contra-conception;
3. The school administrators’ commanding-based conflict management was solved
for their extended conflicts and optimistic organizational impacts;
4. The school administrators’ reconciling-based conflict management was improved
for their colleagues’ biases, and
5. The school administrators’ compromising-based conflict management was
incorporated for their colleagues’ contra-conception and negotiation occurred in unworried
Despite no impacts of organizational management caused the school administrators’
effective conflict management, their better understandings and on-going strategies for the
school administrators’ effective conflict management should be frstly explored.
Also, the detailed suggestions for school administrators’ behaviors on their effective

conflict management, was that the provision for the enhancement of the school
administrators’ applications of their knowledge, skills, and experiences in solving all the
different aspects of conflict management be needed.

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