Community-Based Learning : Effective Pedagogy Strategies for Teachers In The 21St Century

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วิไลภรณ์ ฤทธิคุปต์


21st century learning management aims to develop students into four categories: 1) Ways of thinking 2) Ways of working 3) Tools for working, and 4) Ways of living in the world, so that learners can live in the modern society of changing quality. Highly effective pedagogy to bring learners to the 21st century skills is to learn by using community-based learning. This is a teaching strategy that links the contents of the lessons to the community through the integration of knowledge between many subjects and the problem of the real world and its proximity to the community and the environment of the learner, focusing on thinking skills, problem solving and learning through hands-on experience. The evaluation is an authentic assessment with the involvement of relevant people. This article presents the concept of community-based learning, the foundations of theory, the teaching strategy, and evaluation.

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Research Articles


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