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ทิวทัศน์ ชัชวาลย์
ขนิษฐา ชมภูวิเศษ
นำสุข นวพงษ์พิพัฒน์
นิภาดา จรัสเอี่ยม


The objectives of this research were 1) to compare the mathematical problem solving ability on the topic of application between before and after learning by using DAPIC Problem Solving Process with Badham’s Questioning Techniques, 2) to compare the mathematical problem solving ability on the topic of application after learning by using DAPIC Problem Solving Process with Badham’s Questioning Techniques at the 60 percent of criterion, 3) to compare the reasoning mathematical ability on the topic of application between before and after learning by using DAPIC Problem Solving Process with Badham’s Questioning Techniques, and 4) to compare the reasoning mathematical ability on the topic of application after learning by using DAPIC Problem Solving Process with Badham’s Questioning Techniques at the 60 percent of criterion.

The sample was a classroom which consisting of 20 students. They were studied in Prathomsuksa 6 in the second semester of the academic year 2018, at Ban Konmuang School, in the area No. 6 of Nakhon Ratchasima Primary Education Service Area., The sample was derived by purposively random sampling technique. The research instruments were 1) the learning organization plan of the application using DAPIC Problem Solving Process with Badham’s Questioning Techniques which consisting of 9 plans, each plan used 60 minutes per periods, 2) the instrument for collecting data was the essay test of mathematical problem solving and reasoning mathematical abilities which, consisting of 9 items. The collected data were analyzed using the percentage, the arithmetic means, the standard deviation, and the t-test statistics. The results were as follows; 1) the mathematical problem solving ability on the topic of application of students, after learning by using DAPIC Problem Solving Process with Badham’s Questioning Techniques, is higher than before learning with the statistical significant at the .05 level, 2) the mathematical problem solving ability on the topic of application of students, after learning by using DAPIC Problem Solving Process with Badham’s Questioning Techniques is higher than with the 60 percent of criterion, statistical significant at the .05 level, 3) the reasoning mathematical ability on the topic of application of students, after learning by using DAPIC Problem Solving Process with Badham’s Questioning Techniques, is higher than before learning with the statistical significant at the .05 level, and 4) the reasoning mathematical ability on the topic of application of students, after learning by using DAPIC Problem Solving Process with Badham’s Questioning Techniques is higher than with the 60 percent of criterion, statistical significant at the .05 level.

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