Analysis of the Success Factors of Northern Thai Small and Medium Enterprises in Service Business Using Balanced Scorecard

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เบญจวรรณ เบญจกรณ์
ภูมิพัฒณ์ มิ่งมาลัยรักษ์


The objectives of this study were 1) to study the environment of small and medium enterprises in the service business sectors in the northern region, and 2) to study the success of small and medium enterprises the service business sectors in the northern region, Thailand. The mix method approach by using parity measurement was used as the research methodology. The purposive sampling group for collecting qualitative research data included ten people from small and medium enterprises in the service business sectors in the northern region. The research instrument was semi-structured interview. The random sampling group for the quantitative research in this study was 369 entrepreneurs in small and medium enterprises in the service business sectors. The research instrument was a six-level rating scale questionnaire. Data were analyzed by using software program for basic statistics and confirmatory factor analysis to test the model consistency.

               The results indicated that the SWOT analysis on the environment about the strengths and weaknesses of small and medium enterprises in the service business sectors was divided into four areas: 1) personnel, 2) marketing, 3) management, and 4) cost. In addition, the opportunities and threats of small and medium enterprises in the service business sectors were summarized as follows: 1) competition, 2) climate change, and
3) politics, and 4) technology.

               The conformance test results of the structural model on success of small and medium enterprises the service business sectors in the service business sectors by employing Chi-square (c2/df), goodness-of-fit index (GFI), and adjusted goodness-of-fit index (AGFI) were found that the p value was .052. The value of (c2/df was 1.480. The CFI value was .996. The TLI value was .988. The RMSEA value was .026, and the HOELTER value is 740. The findings confirmed that the structural relationships of success factors in the small and medium enterprises among the service business sectors was at the high level.

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