Development of Public Speaking Skills through Davies’ Performance Instructional Model for Matthayomsuksa 6 Students in Chiengrai Vidhayakhome School, Chiang Rai Province

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รุ่งโรจน์ ต้นประดิษฐ
ยุพิน จันทร์เรือง
อัญชลี เท็งตระกูล


The purposes of this study were 1) to construct effcient lesson plans to develop
public speaking skills based on Davies’ Performance Instructional Model; 2) to examine
the public speaking achievement of matthayomsuksa 6 students studying at Chiengrai
lesson based on Davies’ Performance Instructional Model; 3) to investigate the
Instructional Model. The samples were 22 students studying in Matthayom 6 at Chiengrai
Vidhayakhome School, Chiangrai province in the second semester of the academic year
2014. The research instruments were six lesson plans for developing students’ public
speaking skills and a questionnaire investigating students’ satisfaction towards the lesson
cover 12 teaching hours. After the 12 hours teaching, students were asked to do a
post-test, and the teacher evaluated them using a public speaking evaluation form. Then,
the results from the evaluation were examined for the effciency (E1/E2) and analyzed for
mean (gif.latex?\bar{X}), standard deviation (S.D.), and percentage in comparing with the 80 percent
criteria assigned by the school.
The fndings revealed that the effciency of the lesson plans used in developing
students’ public speaking skills based on Davies’ Performance Instructional Model for
matthayomsuksa 6 students at Chiengrai Vidhayakhome School, Chiangrai province, was at
84.12/90.47 which was higher than the 80/80 standard criteria. The results of the speaking
achievementafter the implementationofthedevelopedlessonplanwasat89.28 percent
the students were satisfed with the lesson plans at the highest level, as it can be seen
from the mean at 4.77 and S.D. at 0.37.

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