Development of a Training Course for Road Transport Service Providers to Enhance the Performance of Road Transport Worker

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อัคครัตน์ พูลกระจ่าง
ศรัณย์ พินิจพะระ


The purposes of this research were 1) to develop a training course for road transport service to enhance the performance of road transport worker, 2) to evaluate the efficiency of training course for road transport service and 3) to monitor and evaluate the training course. The sample group consisted of 30 transport workers for each group. The total are 60 transport workers are the member of the Thai Cargo and Logistics Association in 2017 - 2018 by purposive sampling. There were four stages of research; 1) study the documents and the related research, 2) construct the gathering tools of the training course, 3) apply the training course, and implementation, and 4) training course monitoring and evaluation. Statistical analysis was percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Find out the efficiency of training course and efficiency index from the formula.

Results of the research were shown as follows: 1) The development of training course for road transport service was 2 courses, the course of receiving and delivering goods from road transport, that appropriate and consistent. The training course was very appropriate. 2) Evacuate the effectiveness of the two training courses above the criteria. The mean score of participants’ learning was higher than the criterion. 3) Monitoring and evaluation of supervisors and trainees. Supervisors were satisfied at the moderate level and satisfaction of trainee were high level.

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