Physical Environment for Settlement Suitability in the Prehistoric Period: Middle to Lower Pasak Watershed


  • Dr. Chutipong Romsonthi อาจารย์ประจําภาควิชาภูมิศาสตร์ คณะสังคมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์


GIS, Spatial Analysis, Pasak watershed, Prehistoric Settlement and Physical environment


This paper aimed to study the relationship between physical environment factors and archeological sites in the middle to lower area of the Pasak watershed using the geographic information system (GIS). Spatial analysis techniques and statistical methods were used to analyze the influence of physical environmental factors for settlement suitability of prehistoric humans. The physical environment factors including 1) elevation, 2) slope, 3) aspect, 4) soil fertility and 5) stream distance were used in a correlated analytical study with archeological sites which covered period 1 (3,300 - 3,000 BP), period 2 (2,900 - 2,800 BP) period 3 (2,300 - 1,600 BP) and period 4 (1,600 - 1,500 BP). Each of the correlation results between physical environment factors and archeological sites were derived a probability value of an occurred archeological site. The probability values of the archeological sites were analyzed to explain the suitability of prehistoric archeological sites. The results indicated that soil fertility was the most significant factor and slope, elevation and stream distance were consecutively significant factors for settlement suitability. Furthermore, this study also noted that the settlement selection decisions of prehistoric humans were similar to modern humans. The settlement selection decisions show that they preferred to settle in the low terrain areas rather than in the high terrain areas which is consistent with high soil fertility that was usually found in the low terrain areas.


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