Mural and Biography for Buddhist art painter group in Lampang 1932 – 1961 AD. : A research for new subject in the art history


  • Chankhanit Arvorn Assistant Professor, Department of Art and Design, School of Architecture and Fine Arts, University of Phayao.


Lampang’s Buddhist art Painter, New issues in Art history research


This article focuses on the history and works of two Buddhist artists Mr. Puan Suwannasing and Mr. Nong Inchaithep. This is done via the study of three sites which are Tha Han temple in Mae Tha district, Lampang province, Changtaem temple in Mueang district, Lampang province, and Bunyuen temple in Mueang district, Phayao province. The research indicated that both artists were trained by “Chang Luang”, a Royal craftsman who came to work in Lampang. Therefore, the works were expressed in the style of Rattanakosin-Bangkok and were considered “Thai art in the Bangkok style.” This association resulted in Mr. Puan Suwannasing receiving patronage from the ruler of Lampang who hoped to preserve “the tactfulness” of a Royal artist in his province. Both artists painted many works during the period between 1917 and 1967. After 1937, the patronage structure changed from one dependent on the traditional local governer to a new elite class under the nation state system. However, both artists still maintained their Bangkok painting style to emphasize the artistic skills that corresponded with the “new” tastes of the clergy and patrons. In addition, cross-province hirings like in the case of Mr. Nong Inchaiyathep also revealed a network of clergies and patrons that existed between Phayao and Lampang.


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