
  • Songtham Pansakun Faculty of Archaeology, Silpakorn University


กัมพูชา, ปราสาทเขมร, ชื่อเรียก


According to the databases of the Carte Archeologique du Cambodge and the Inventaire Archeologique du Cambodge, there are a lot of ancient stone ruins, or “Prāsāt”, in Siemreap, the former capital city of the ancient Khmer Empire. Each Prasat has its own proper name, associated with such features as: geography, persons, plants, water resources, constructions, materials or tools, gods, animals, adjectives, actions, dwellings, rituals, human or animal organs, directions, numeric numbers, time, colors, auspiciousness, and so forth. Among the various proper names of the Prāsāt, the ones with geographical meanings are most frequently found in Siemreap. So we can say that geography and the local environment are the key factors to the naming of these Prāsāts.


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