Motivation for the Use of Financial Services through Financial Technology (Fintech) with an Application of A-Mobile Users Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives in Rattaphum, Songkhla


  • ฐิตาภรณ์ สระแก้ว มหาวิทยาลัยทักษิณ
  • วาสนา สุวรรณวิจิตร Thaksin University
  • อรจันทร์ ศิริโชติ Thaksin University


Motivation, Financial Technology (Fintech), A-Mobile Applications


Technological advance has great impact on customers’ financial behavior, which will affect the banking business in the future. This study aimed to investigate the customers’ motivation in financial services through financial technology (Fintech) with an application of A-Mobile. The result showed that the users have high level of motivation to use financial technology (Fintech) with the A-Mobile application. Customers with different marital status, different levels of education and different occupations had different level of motivation to use financial technology (Fintech) with the A-Mobile application. Customers with single status had higher level of motivation in product aspect to use financial technology (Fintech) with the A-Mobile application than married or divorced status. Customers with lower level of education had lower levels of motivation in reason aspect to use financial technology (Fintech) with the A-Mobile application than higher level of education. Farmers had lower level of motivation in emotional aspect than employees of service or manufacturing sectors.  Customers with different channel and reference group had different level of motivation to use financial technology (Fintech) with the A-Mobile application. Moreover, the results revealed that gender had relationship with frequency and channel of service. Age had relationship with the channel used. Status had relationship with the location of using a service. Educational level had relationship with the duration of service. Occupation had relationship with location. Average monthly income had relationship with the duration of service.


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How to Cite

สระแก้ว ฐ., สุวรรณวิจิตร ว., & ศิริโชติ อ. (2019). Motivation for the Use of Financial Services through Financial Technology (Fintech) with an Application of A-Mobile Users Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives in Rattaphum, Songkhla. Economics and Business Administration Journal Thaksin University, 10(2), 39–54. Retrieved from



Research Article