An Application of the Open Approach Teaching for Thai Literature to Access to Values of Literature and Aesthetic of Thai Language: A Case Study of Grade 6 Students, Plearnpattana School

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Nantakan Asawatangtrakuldee


          The purposes of this study were to 1) analyze the method of teaching Thai literature by applying the Open Approach Teaching to inspire the students to access the values of Thai literature and the aesthetic of Thai language; and 2) evaluate the results of access the values of Thai literature and the aesthetic of Thai language of the students after applying the Open Approach Teaching.  A sample was 21 grade 6 students from Plearnpattana School from the academic year of 2015.  Research instruments were 10 Open Approach teaching plans in Thai literature class, observation form, behavior recording form, learning outcome recording form and creative evaluation form of the beauty of Thai language.  The research results revealed that teaching Thai literature by applying the Open Approach Teaching allowed the students to assess to the value of Thai literature and the aesthetic of Thai language.  For the accessibility to the value of Thai literature, three students (14.28%) exhibited a level of habit formation.  Three students (14.28%) showed a level of value system. Fifteen students (71.43%) were able to reach a level of appreciation.  For the accessibility to the aesthetic of Thai language, seven students (33.33%) exhibited the level of habit formation, five students (23.8%) exhibited the level of value system and nine students (42.85%) were able to reach the level of appreciation. All of the steps in the Open Approach Teaching are crucial for the accessibility of the students to the value of Thai literature and the aesthetic of Thai language. The learners were able to absorb, learn and synthesize their knowledge while the teacher inspires and reflects each learner.

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