
  • นันท์นภัส บุญยอด คณะศึกษาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร
  • จิติมา วรรณศรี คณะศึกษาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร




This research aimed to develop the enhancing Insturctional Leadership’s curriculum for heads of department in school under the local governments. There’re 4 steps of research and development, first: study about components of Insturctional leadership by literature review, interviewing 7 executives of purposive sampling then ask 291 administrator of school under the local governments based on multi-stage random sampling. Second:  build and prove quality of curriculum. The suitability was proved by 5 executives of purposive sampling. Third: The trail of curriculum was applied to 24 head of department in school under the local governments.Forth: Evaluation of curriculum. Evaluation of comments about curriculum from respondents and follow the development of respondents after 1 month by interviewing administrators and coadjutors. The results was analyzed by statistic percentage, average number, standard deviation and Dependent Samples t-test.

           The results found that components of Instructional leadership in school under the local governments include 4 things like leadership, learning tradition, academic strategy and management of course and students’ development. Build and prove of curriculum found that the trial curriculum has components include theory, objective, structure, way of activity,  evaluation, emphasize academic leadership’s building, realize the value of works, realize to motivate and develop themselves driven by love in duty. Proving by executive showed that it has high suitability and all agreeable issue. Trial result was respondent had developed average in academic after trail with significant in statistic at 0.1 from all curriculum. The heads of department are a leader in creating learning culture. Creating the strategy of academic Including curriculum management and learning management to develop learners Including reflect on the idea of bringing the knowledge to the school curriculum reform of the school itself and motivation to modify and develop their own teaching behavior and teachers in the subject matter.  Evaluation of curriculum found that there is high suitability for more respondent was success in training and can apply it to real work for spreading learning network in school. After following the result, I found that respondent has developed their leadership which support to teamwork in school such as enthusiastic, yearn to know, understanding and open mind in team, develop learning process, responsible in result following include curriculum and be appreciate from team and administrator.




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