Factors Influence the Policy Implementation of the Promotion of People Participation in Buriram Police Station, Buriram Province


  • สมพร จันทร์เจ้า สถานีตำรวจภูธรอำเภอละหานทราย จังหวัดบุรีรัมย์
  • วัชรินทร์ สุทธิศัย ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.,สาขารัฐประศาสนศาสตร์ คณะรัฐศาสตร์และรัฐประศาสนศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏมหาสารคาม
  • สิทธิพรร์ สุนทร ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.,สาขารัฐประศาสนศาสตร์ คณะรัฐศาสตร์และรัฐประศาสนศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏมหาสารคาม


Policy Implementation, police station, Promotion People Participation


The purposes of this research were to study factors influence the policy implementation including the suggestions to improve and develop the policy implementation Model of People Participation in Buriram police station,Buriram province. The research was divided into two phases. Phase 1 was the study of factors influence the policy implementation. The samples were 400 people of Buriramthrough Taro Yamane formula. The instrument used in the research were a five rating scale questionnaire. The statistics used were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. The statistic applied for hypothesis testing is Pearson’ scoefficient relation with the statistic significant at .05 level and multiple regression by stepwise method. Phase 2 was the study of constructing a model for the development of the People Participation in Buriram.
The target group comprised 18 experts, academics, and concerned people, obtained through purposive sampling. A questionnaire was the interview guidequestions form.The data analysis and result explanation is used for qualitative research. The results of the research were as follows: 1. The factors positively related with the Policy Implementation of the Promotion of People Participation in Buriram police station, Buriram province at significant level of .01 were a morale, the objective and standard of policy,politicaland function forming and job assignment. 2. There were five factors inserted in the formula and all were positive relation. The objective and standard of policy (x1), function forming and job assignment (x2), political (x6), policy
resources (x3) and leadership and cooperation (x4). The prediction could be made up to 63.90 percent as shown in the equation Y = .965 + .298X1 + .292X2 + .278 X6+ .150X3 + .070X4 3. The results of OFPPL,the validating of Factors Influence the Policy Implementation of the Promotion of People Participation in Buriram police station, Buriram province, showed that the Policy Implementation of the Promotion of People Participation in Buriram police stationmodel was appropriate and feasible for implementation and all the model components were the same of the experts’ opinions. Keywords : Policy Implementation, police station, Promotion People Participation


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How to Cite

จันทร์เจ้า ส., สุทธิศัย ว., & สุนทร ส. (2018). Factors Influence the Policy Implementation of the Promotion of People Participation in Buriram Police Station, Buriram Province. Chophayom Journal, 29(2), 151–160. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ejChophayom/article/view/127826


