Choreography of Folk Performance of Yaring Palace, Pattani Province

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พรเทพ บุญจันทร์เพ็ชร์
สุภาวดี โพธิเวชกุล


          This research aimed to study the inheritance, element, dance posture and choreography of performance of Yaring Palace, Pattani Province.  The study was conducted using the documentary study, interviews, observations and training on major dance postures from folk artists in Pattani Province.

          The research revealed that performance of Yaring Palace in Pattani Province was composed of dance style with accompanying melody.  It has been inherited as artistic heritage of Thailand since the reign of King Rama I the Great and well-known during the times of Phraya Pipit SenamatSrisuraSongkram.  The folk dance consisted of the performance of Rongeng, Joget Pahang, and TariKipas show.  Later, in the year 1951, KhunCharuWisetSueksakorn, then Pattani District Education Chief, initiated the restoration for performance of Yaring Palace of Pattani to become the tradition that remains until present.  The main element of performance of Yaring Place is the use of both folk music and western musical instruments with Malay melody.  A minimum pair of male and female performer dressed in Malay court style forms. Each song is accompanied by a dance style.  Rongeng performance features eight songs with 16 dance moves, whereas Joget Pahang features three songs with 18 dance moves and TariKipas features one song with 11 dance moves.  Choreography of performance of Yaring Palace comprises 1) costumes for performance: Male performers wear Baju Melayu (Malay shirt) while female performers wear Kebaya, Banong dresses utilizing Kerongsang (a pin instead of a button), a low bun hairdo with flowers attached to it.  2) The performance starts and ends with a move showing respect to the audience or with a "salam" phrase.  3) The performers move by touching the foot on the floor and the footstep movements in tune with the rhythm of the gong.  4) There are six specific choreographic movements: closed hand, foot touch, foot twist, foot tramping, body rotation and moving in opposite direction.  Particularly unique is the movement of the couple to follow the dance partner to the right and left.  The choreography of Yaring Palace, Pattani Province truly reflects the wisdom of local performing art of the people in Yaring community and the people in Pattani. In general, the art form which should be maintained and the knowledge about it be shared so that it will remain with the community and the nation.

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How to Cite
บุญจันทร์เพ็ชร์ พ., & โพธิเวชกุล ส. (2019). Choreography of Folk Performance of Yaring Palace, Pattani Province. Journal of Fine and Applied Arts Khon Kaen University, 11(2), 197–221. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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