Respecting Teacher

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อาชารินทร์ แป้นสุข


Associate Professor Dr. Somkuan Kaviya is a mass communications academic. He had done many of the theory of communicate kingdom and set for the head of the “Thailand Royal Academy Parties”(Communications Major),He is intent and expand for the new communications. That’s use for expand to manage and defense the new communications education crisis that have a high theory potentiality of the paradigm technical. So In Year 2013 “The International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England ” had given him a praise that he is a Leading Educators of the world studying to give foreigners to gratefully congratulation the Thai academic that give glorifying to him for the mass communications academic forever.

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How to Cite
แป้นสุข อ. (2018). Respecting Teacher. Journal of KMITL Business School, 8(1), 127–136. Retrieved from
Research Article


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