The Influence Business Alliance, Supply Chain Management, and Firm Performance on Firm Sustainable of Tourism Industry in Northeast Thailand


  • Pornwadee Ruksasri Faculty of Management Science, Maha Sarakham Rajabhat University
  • Veerakit Saorom Faculty of Management Science, Maha Sarakham Rajabhat University
  • Nisarat Chotechoei Faculty of Management Science, Maha Sarakham Rajabhat University


Business Alliance, Supply Chain Management, Firm Sustainable



The purposes of this research were: 1) to study the influence business alliance, supply chain management and firm performance on firm sustainable of tourism industry; 2) to test the influence business alliance, supply chain management and firm performance on firm sustainable of tourism industry. Qualitative research is In-depth interviews on collecting data from 20 key informants. And quantitative research is collecting data from 312 tourism industry entrepreneur in Northeast Thailand and a set of questionnaires was the research tool. Statistics used for data analysis were structural equation modeling. The results revealed the following finding; 1) Information obtained from in-depth interviews can determine the variables used in the study as follows business alliance include product alliance, marketing alliances, technology alliances, research and development alliance, and strategic resources alliance. Supply chain management include coordination, information sharing, cooperation, and tourism logistics management. Firm performance include market performance, financial performance, innovation performance, image performance, and satisfaction performance. And firm sustainable include environment, social, economics, and culture. 2) Model of structural equation improvement of the influence business alliance, supply chain management and firm performance on firm sustainable of tourism industry in Northeast Thailand found χ2 = 124.769, df = 108, χ2 /df = 1.155, p-value = 0.129, GFI = 0.958, CFI = 0.994, NFI = 0.957, RMR = 0.010, and RMSEA = 0.022 Results obtained through all criteria and is consistent with empirical data.


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How to Cite

Ruksasri, P., Saorom, V., & Chotechoei, N. (2019). The Influence Business Alliance, Supply Chain Management, and Firm Performance on Firm Sustainable of Tourism Industry in Northeast Thailand. Governance Journal, 8(1), 314–335. Retrieved from



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