Measures of Older Employee


  • Kitima Tirasethasema Faculty of Law, National Institute of Development Administration


Measure, Labour Protection, Older Employee



This article was written to study and analyze measures of the elderly employment protection by Thai law compared with the United States and Japan laws in terms of working hours, types of work, and the determination of the proper wages. Besides, this article will study and analyze the problems of the promotion and measures of the protection of elderly employment by Thai law in terms of working hours, types of work, and the determination of the proper wages.  These studies and analysis will provide the guidelines to determine the measures of the protection of aging workforces by focusing on Labour Protection Act B.E. 2541.  This article will analyze, compile, and compare the data, concepts, policies, theories, legal measures of elderly employment protection from books, legal articles, research reports, thesis, Independent Study and other related documents of International Labour Organization in the United States, Japan, and Thailand in terms of elderly employment protection in working hours, types of work, and the determination of proper wages.  Also, this article will provide the measures of additional protection for aging workforces specifically in the Labor Protection Act, B.E. 2541 for efficient and fair enforcement.


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How to Cite

Tirasethasema, K. (2019). Measures of Older Employee. Governance Journal, 8(1), 265–287. Retrieved from



บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)