The Perceptions Related to Infrastructure Management for Urban Growth : A Case Study of Banped, Khon Kean


  • Nunthaphot boonprasith College of Local Administration, Khon Kaen University
  • Vissanu Zumitzavan College of Local Administration, Khon Kaen University


Management, Infrastructure, Urban Growth



The purposes of this research are to study the infrastructure management, problems, obstacles, suggestions, and management solutions to understand the expansion of Ban Ped, Khon Kaen. The quantitative and qualitative approaches were applied to collect and analyze data. These approaches are supportive to increase the levels of understanding of the research findings. The instruments applied in the study are the survey questionnaires and semi-structured interview questions. There are three groups of experts including local experts. The twenty-eight respondents are composed of: 1) Thirteen respondents serving as Municipality Officers; 2) Twelve respondents serving as Members of the Municipal Councils and Specialists; and 3) Three respondents serving outside the Local Administrative Organization at Ban Ped. The findings indicate that the expansion of the population creates the problem of suburban areas known as ‘Urban Sprawl’. This may lead to a lower levels of capability in dealing with flooding and natural disasters. This also directly affects the day-to-day activities of residents.


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How to Cite

boonprasith, N., & Zumitzavan, V. (2019). The Perceptions Related to Infrastructure Management for Urban Growth : A Case Study of Banped, Khon Kean. Governance Journal, 8(1), 386–404. Retrieved from



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