The Study of Unwanted Teenage Pregnancies in Nakhon Phanom Province

The Study of Unwanted Teenage Pregnancies in Nakhon Phanom Province


  • Phatcharaporn Kawansu
  • Pathumthip Mankhonksoong
  • Pornpimon Kavansu


Teenage; Pregnancies; Nakhon Phanom



The purpose of this qualitative research was 1) to study the elements related to unwanted teenage pregnancies 2) to study the recommendations for the resolution in Nakhon Phanom Province. The data was collected from unwanted pregnancies who ages between 10 -19 years old, 24 persons, using focusing group discussion and 9 persons in-depth interviews individually. Data was analyzed by content analysis. The results showed that the elements related to unwanted teenage pregnancies were 1) family characteristic; 2) knowledge about sex education; almost teenage pregnancies have known sex education and contraception but they were discontinuous; 3) sex attitude; teenage pregnancies;  4) Risk behavior such as nightlife. The recommendations for the resolution were 1) the syllabus of sex education should be appropriate content and should be easy to understand and practical. 2) The project or campaign about teenage pregnancies should be promoted. 3) Hospital officer increasingly and frequently education and adjust educate and adjust the course by dividing into small group and separating between male and women 4) The government sector should establish the school for teenage pregnancies where the teenage pregnancies could be study, share experience and prepare for giving birth. Ministry of Public Health should have specific area in hospital where easily access services and consultant about pregnant..

Keywords: Teenage; Pregnancies; Nakhon Phanom



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How to Cite

Kawansu, P., Mankhonksoong, P., & Kavansu, P. (2019). The Study of Unwanted Teenage Pregnancies in Nakhon Phanom Province: The Study of Unwanted Teenage Pregnancies in Nakhon Phanom Province. Governance Journal, 8(1), 497–518. Retrieved from



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