Development of Border Crossing Checkpoint and Adaptation of Border People in Thali, Loei Province, From 1906 to 2018

Development of Border Crossing Checkpoint and Adaptation of Border People in Thali, Loei Province, From 1906 to 2018


  • Nopphon Kaengjampa


Border; Border Crossing Checkpoint; Thali Border People


The study aims at explaining the development of border crossing checkpoint and adaptation of border people in Thali Loei province from 1906 to 2018. The study adopted qualitative research method. Data were collected by means of interview and group discussion as oral history method obtaining from 42 border people as well as other relating official documents, city plan, and community development plan. The research instruments were interview questions, discussion topics, and community mapping. The analysis was gathered from historical criticism and presented in descriptive writing style. The study shows that the development of Thali border crossing checkpoint was divided into three periods of time: 1) the border rising from negotiations between Siam and France in 1906, 2) Laos officially becoming the Lao People’s Democratic Republic in 1975, and 3) the change of the border location in 2004. The border crossing checkpoint made changes in the border community in terms of economic and social dynamics. As a result, it causes adaptations of labouring, retail, transportation, hospitality, and in the meanwhile stressing the border identity regarding its development.


Keywords: Border; Border Crossing Checkpoint; Thali Border People


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How to Cite

Kaengjampa, N. (2019). Development of Border Crossing Checkpoint and Adaptation of Border People in Thali, Loei Province, From 1906 to 2018: Development of Border Crossing Checkpoint and Adaptation of Border People in Thali, Loei Province, From 1906 to 2018. Governance Journal, 8(2), 79–105. Retrieved from



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