The Conditions Leading to the Development of Cooperation in the Management of the Mekong Special Economic Zone in Northeast Thailand Between B.C. 2556 - 2560

The Conditions Leading to the Development of Cooperation in the Management of the Mekong Special Economic Zone in Northeast Thailand Between B.C. 2556 - 2560


  • Jariya Chatasuwatjananon
  • Viyouth Chamruspanth


Collaborative; Special Economic Zones for The Mekong; Northestern Region


This research aimed to study the conditions leading to the development of cooperation in the management of the Mekong Special Economic Zone in Northeast Thailand in 2013-2017. The study is a qualitative research design, which focused on in-depth interviews techniques. Particularly, individual interviews for a total of 48 participants and focus group interviews are employed to the key information of the study. The results revealed that there are seven conditions that lead to the development of cooperation in the management of the Mekong special economic zone in northeast Thailand consist of 1) Organizational structure 2) Cooperate cultures 3) Administrator/ Leader 4) Inter-organizational relationship 5) The effects of policy 6) The role of the government and 7) Corporate communications To this end, even each condition is related to organization management and linked to each mutually. Whereas, the level of effectiveness of organizational cooperation still ambiguous in the management of special economic zones in the aspect of adjustment, organizational management, and knowledge management 

Keywords: Collaborative; Special Economic Zones for The Mekong; Northestern Region


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How to Cite

Chatasuwatjananon, J., & Chamruspanth, V. (2019). The Conditions Leading to the Development of Cooperation in the Management of the Mekong Special Economic Zone in Northeast Thailand Between B.C. 2556 - 2560: The Conditions Leading to the Development of Cooperation in the Management of the Mekong Special Economic Zone in Northeast Thailand Between B.C. 2556 - 2560. Governance Journal, 8(2), 526–549. Retrieved from



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