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อรรถพร พานแก้ว


The Thailand Civil and Commercial Code, there is Obligation different from legal Obligation. Celled natural Obligation, the creditor is on right to claim performance from the debtor but if the debtor has paid his own voluntary debt, he cannot claim restitution. Natural Obligation in Thai law is unclear when compared to foreign laws.

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Netherlands ministry of justice, The Netherlands Civil Code Book6 The law of Obligations, Netherlands : A.W. Sijthoff International Publishing Company B.V. 1977.
Ernest G.LaFleur Jr., Natural Obligations, 12 Louisiana Law Review, 1951.
Marcel Planiol, Treatise on the Civil Law, vol.2, Part 1. Translated by the Louisiana State Law Institute. Copyright by Louisiana State Law Institute, 1959.
M. Pothier, Treatise on the Law of Obligation, Translated by the French, The Lawbook Exchange, LTD. Union, New Jersey, 2000.
Reinhard Zimmerman, The law of obligations : Roman Foundations of the Civilian Tradition, Oxford University Press, 1996.
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