Instructional Models of Social Studies Teachers to Development of Critical Thinking Skills for Living in the 21st century

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Panadda Pandeeka
Jarunee Maneekul


The global society in the 21st century is known to be a circumstance lending to rapid changes. This affects the way of life throughout the globe and causes both positive and negative impacts. For this reason, in order to survive in this society, it is essential that learners in the 21st century possess critical thinking skills in order to be able to analyze and synthesize the information which has been received and be able to adapt themselves to the recent circumstance. Therefore, the instructional models of social studies teachers which aim to develop critical thinking skills for living in the 21st century has played a significant role in education and the development of learners. Education is an important foundation to prepare learners to live in the society, to develop and become knowledgeable and skillful people, and to have positive attitudes that will enable them to live with other people as a global citizen in a peaceful society. It is vital to bring the curriculum up to date and plan to produce and develop human resources in the country based on every social dimension and the tendencies of future changes resulting in efficient and sustainable development. Thus, social studies teachers should be aware of the changes in 21st century and design an instruction to promote skills for living in the 21st century. For this reason, promoting critical thinking skills becomes more important in education in the 21st century education. These instructional models consisted of 1) the instruction emphasizing on cognitive domain in order to create the body of knowledge leading to conceptual skill 2) the instruction focusing on psycho-motor domain in order to practice practical processes leading to the development of overall skills 3) the instruction with effective domain to create the value of applicable development 4) the instruction with process skills leading to practical development 5) the instruction with integration to integrate every knowledge.


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