Risk Factors for Hypertension among a Church-based, Black Population in London

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Maxine A Newell
Naomi N Modeste
Helen Hopp Marshak
Colwick Wilson
Sherma J. Charlemagne-Badal


Compared to other ethnic groups, there is an increased prevalence of hypertension, and subsequent morbidity and mortality, among people of African descent residing in the United Kingdom. We studied a group of people of African descent living in London to examine the impact of their lifestyle on hypertension. A cross-sectional study, using a convenience sample of individuals aged 25-79 from 17 predominantly Black Seventh-day Adventist churches across London. Linear regressions were run between the main variables of RR score for hypertension and blood pressure levels. Hypertension was more prevalent among males (34%) than females (21.6%). Relative Risk Estimates for hypertension were predictive of diastolic blood pressure (p<.05). The blood pressure levels among the participants in this study were lower than Caribbean-born Blacks but higher than African-born Blacks in the national UK data for minorities. For this church-based group education concerning health practices did not significantly impact their moving towards lifestyles that decreased HTN risk. Behavior change, therefore, must be the focus of future interventions.

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