A Comparison of Using Diglot Weave Technique and Student Team Achievement Division on Student Vocabulary Achievement

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Caroline V. Katemba
Nur Ayu Sitompul


The first aim of this study was to find out the differences in student’s vocabulary achievement between students who were taught using the Diglot Weave Technique (DWT), and those taught using a Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) strategy; the second was to find which gender group gained the higher score. This comparative study was completed at Public Junior High School #1 (Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri – SMPN), Parongpong, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia, and involved two groups, one from grade 8B as the DWT class, and another from grade 8C as the STAD class. Total participants were 74 students. The DWT group consisted of 26 females and 11 males, and the STAD group consisted of 23 females and 14 males. Based on an SPSS 16.0 data analysis, a ρ value of 0.035 < 0.05 was obtained. The significantly higher score was achieved when students were taught using DWT. Furthermore, it was found that, with both methods, female and male’ normalized gain scores were only slightly different.

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