Factors related to Organizational Commitment of Professional nurse in Bangphae Hospital Ratchaburi

organization commitment


  • สุภาพร โชติศิริคุณวัฒน์ กลุ่มการพยาบาล รพ.บางแพ


factors that have relationship, organization commitment, quality of work life, job satisfaction


          The objectives: Descriptive research were to: 1. Study the quality of work. Job satisfaction and Bound in the organization of professional nusres Bang Phae Hospital, Ratchaburi Province. 2. Comparison between quality of work life and job satisfaction and engagement in the organization of professional nurses Bang Phae Hospital, Ratchaburi Province, classified by personal characristics. 3. Study the relationship between personal characteristics quality of work life and job satisfaction and organization community of professional nusres Bang Phae Hospital, Ratchaburi Province. Volunteer research reectcipients are professional nurses in Bang Phae Hospital, number 46. Collect specific data by using quesionnaires, study in Augus, 2019, as tools statistics useds in data analysis were percentage, mean, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficient (Pearson Product-Moment correlation)

          The resukts: showed That personal characteristics of professional nurses Bang Phae Hospital, Ratchaburi Province. Found that nurses most professions are aged 41-50 years, 29 people, 72.5 percent. The marital status are 25 people, 54.4 percent. The duration of work are 21-30 years, 31 paople, 77.5 percent. Type of civil servants 44 people, 95.7 percent. Work units in patients in 12 people, 26 percents. Data analysis found that: 1. The quality of work life of professional nurses Bang Phae Hoapital, Ratchaburi Province, in the overall picture is at the middle level (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 3.40, S.D. = 0.839), job satisfaction of professional nurses Bang Phae Hospital, Ratchaburi, in the overall picture was at a high level (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 3.48, S.D. = 0.721), organization engagement of professional nurses Bang Phae Hoapital, Ratchaburi Province, in the overall picture is at the median (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 3.20, S.D. = 0.814). 2. The  Results of the comparison of personal characteristics factors were as follows: Age of professional nurses Bang Phae Hospital affecting the quality of work life and job satisfaction differing significantly at the level of .05 but did not affect the engagement in the organization, working time affects quality of life and engagement in the organization is significantly different of the level .05 but does not affect job satisfaction, packing type affects the quality of work life. Job satisfaction and engagement in the organization is significantly different at the level of .05, marital sattus and agebcy does not affect the quality of work life. Job satisfaction and organizational commitment. 3. The relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variables found that the personal cahracteristics were age, quality of work life, work based on the law and justice prosess, promotion of operational processes and interaction with workers’ societies, gives opportunities for practitioners to develop their knowledge, and abilities, due to satisfaction, including management policies in term of colleagues, job characteristics will make a positive relationship with the engagement in the organization with statistical significance at the level of .01 (r=.399**, .386**, .495**, .377**, .398**, and .376** respectively). As for personal characteristics, such as duration of work, quality of work life is a pleasant work environment, due to job satisfaction, including success in the job will make a positive relationship with the engagement in the organization with statistical significance at the level of .05 (r=.320*, .345*, and .350* respectively). By the quality of work life, By the quality of work life, including the promotion of operational process and interaction with the workers’ society had the most positive relationship with organization commitment (r=.495**)   

          Suggestion: Be careful about personnel management to be transparent and always fair, such as age, working time, packing type and agency. If administration is not transparent, it may cause professional nurse nurses Bang Phae Hospital, Ratchaburi Province have poor quality of life, not satisfaction with job, and can reduce the engagement in the organization.


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How to Cite

โชติศิริคุณวัฒน์ ส. (2019). Factors related to Organizational Commitment of Professional nurse in Bangphae Hospital Ratchaburi: organization commitment. Hua Hin Medical Journal, 4(2), e0059. Retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/hhsk/article/view/211912