The Relation between Leadership states and Ethics of School Administrators for Teachers’ Perception at School in Mueng District, under The Cha-Choeng-Sao Primary Educational Administration Service Area Office 1


  • พรหมพิริยะ พนาสนธิ์ พระนุครศรีอยุธยา
  • กรปภา เจริญชันษา




          This research have 3 objectives as 1) to study the state of school administrators’ leadership for teachers’ perception at school in Mueng District, under The Cha-Choeng-Sao Primary Educational Administration Service Area Office 1 2) to study of school administrators’ ethics for teachers’ perception at school in Mueng District, under The Cha-Choeng-Sao Primary Educational Administration Service Area Office 1  3) to study the relation between state of leaderships and ethics of school administrator for teachers’ perception at school in Mueng District, under The Cha-Choeng-Sao Primary Educational Administration Service Area Office 1. The sample was 210 teachers who were selected by multistage   random sampling, which the first step selected the schools in Mueng District and the second step selected teachers as proportion in each school . The tool was 5 rating scale questionnaire.  The data were analyzed by frequency percentage mean and standard deviation. The  hypothesis were tested by Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient.

          The results reveal that :

          1.The state of administrators’ leadership, who were in  Mueng District under The Cha-Choeng-Sao Primary Educational Administration Service Area Office 1, were at high level in overall.

  1. The administrators’ ethics, who were in  Mueng District under The Cha-Choeng-Sao Primary Educational Administration Service Area Office 1, were at high level in overall.

          3. The correlation between leadership and ethic of school administrators, who were in  Mueng District under The Cha-Choeng-Sao Primary Educational Administration Service Area Office 1, were positive at high level for .o1 significant. When we considered in every pairs, found that the most correlation pairs between leadership and ethic were positive at high level except 3 pairs were positive at moderates which were working principle and mankind, insistence for problem solving and dominance, insistence for problem solving and mankind.


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How to Cite

พนาสนธิ์ พ., & เจริญชันษา ก. (2019). The Relation between Leadership states and Ethics of School Administrators for Teachers’ Perception at School in Mueng District, under The Cha-Choeng-Sao Primary Educational Administration Service Area Office 1. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 5(1), 233–246. Retrieved from