Creative Economy Development by Play and Film from Folklores in Bann Khaengplapok Chomcharearn Sub-District, Pakchom District, Loei Province

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Tanachon Chandruang
Phatthira Phon-Ngam


The aims of this research were to develop Creative Economy from the folklores in Bann Kheangplapok with the collaboration from relevant parties. Qualitative data were collected with in-depth interviews, and focus group discussions were conducted with the target groups including the community leaders, senior villagers, entrepreneurs, school directors and parents form the Bann-Kheangplapok School.

The results of the study were as follows:

1)  Bann Kheangplapok had 9 folklores: The values of the stories could be put into 5 categories: educational value, creative values, values to strengthen family and community’s relationship, values of the reflection on the old ways of society, values on virtues, and values on mottos.

2)  From the current situation on the creative economic development, it was found that four folklores at Bann Kheang Pla Pok that were still beneficial were Pee Ha Gom, Kang Pla Bok, Pee Kong Koi Liang Look, and Pret Wat Tha Sa-arrd. They were still used in valuable ways when there was the occasion of the village’s traditional ceremony. From the problems in creative economic development from folklores, it was found that there were needs for developing creative economic from folklores of Bann Kheangplapok.


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