Parental Support Factors in Children's Decision Making School Bangkok Central Group

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Bunyapon Wudjun


The purpose of this research is (1) to study the factors supporting parents in taking their children to study in the school. Comparison of Parental Support Factors in the Adoption of School Children in Schools Bangkok Central Group Classified by occupation and duration of admission. The samples were Parents with special needs Bangkok Central School The sample size was 15% from 10 schools. Two sample groups and simple random sampling were selected from 10 schools. The samples were Pracharat Bumpan School and Samsennok School The research instrument was a questionnaire about parental support factors in bringing the children to study in the school. The 5-level questionnaire was used as a 5-level questionnaire the reliability of the questionnaire was .91 the results showed that

1. The study of parental support factors in the admission of children to school. The Bangkok Central Group as a whole and the teachers. Site management

At the high level, media and equipment were at the highest level.

2. Results of comparison of parent's support factors in their children's education. At school Bangkok Central Group There are a number of different careers in the overall and individual aspects of the teacher. Management of media, equipment, and facilities. Building Facility There was no statistically significant difference at .05 level.

3. Comparison of Parental Support Factors in the Adoption of Children At school Bangkok Central Group The total duration of admission of children is different. Management of media, equipment, and facilities. Building Facility the external support factors were statistically significantly different at .05 level.

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How to Cite
Wudjun, B. (2019). Parental Support Factors in Children’s Decision Making School Bangkok Central Group. Journal of Arts Management, 3(2), 105–114. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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