Family Role on Social Skills Development of Autistic Children in Dome Nursery School under the Office of the Basic Education Commission, Bangkok

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Bilkis Suntonpong


This research aims to (1) study and compares the role of families in the development of social skills of autistic children in Dome Nursery School Under the Office of the Basic Education Commission, Bangkok. The sample size was calculated using Krejcie and Morgan at the confidence level of 95% of the 100 population. The samples were 80 and simple random sampling was used. Research tools a questionnaire about family roles on social skills development of autistic children. Dome Nursery School under the Office of the Basic Education Commission Bangkok The reliability of the questionnaire was 96. the results are as follows.

  1. Results of the study on family roles on social skills development of autistic children. Dome Nursery School under the Office of the Basic Education Commission Bangkok and the whole. Very high

  2. Results of comparison of family roles on children's social skills development. Wisdom Dome Nursery School under the Office of the Basic Education Commission, Bangkok in different marital status and adjustment/problem-solving. Interpretation and life. There was no statistically significant difference at .05 level. And the relationship. There was a statistically significant difference .05

  3. Results of comparison of family roles on children's social skills development. Wisdom Dome Nursery School under the Office of the Basic Education Commission, Bangkok in a different family-style by overview. And adaptation /problem-solving. Interpretation and self-control. There was no statistically significant difference at .05 level. And the relationship. There were statistically significant differences at the .05 level.

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How to Cite
Suntonpong, B. (2019). Family Role on Social Skills Development of Autistic Children in Dome Nursery School under the Office of the Basic Education Commission, Bangkok. Journal of Arts Management, 3(2), 69–82. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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