The Effectiveness of Prevention of Postpartum Hemorrhage, According to the Sampharn Model, Samphran Hospital, Nakhon Pathom Province

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Sunanta Outchareon


This study presents the effectiveness of nursing process adjustments to increase the effectiveness of the assessment and diagnosis of the risk of postpartum hemorrhage, to increase the potential in order to prevent postpartum hemorrhage including the effectiveness of care during the immediate postpartum hemorrhage from using the Sampran model approach with the color symbol Maternity care standards postpartum hemorrhage and Poster Job Distribution as a component. This study is Quasi Experiment Research (Paired-Samples T test) ; The sample groups are from the coincident random by selected from 30 Burmese pregnant women who come for service in the labour room work section, Sampran Hospital, Nakhon Pathom Province. Data collection by record form created by the researcher. The results showed that SAMPRAN MODEL approach is effective in helping to increase the effectiveness of the assessment and diagnosis of risk for postpartum hemorrhage. It also helps reduce the amount of postpartum hemorrhage and prevent the occurrence of violence from blood loss (Severe PPH).  It can be concluded that Sampran Model is to adjust the care process for the maternity to be safe from complications after birth and it is suitable for the context of community hospitals without cost and possible to see real results.

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How to Cite
Outchareon, S. (2019). The Effectiveness of Prevention of Postpartum Hemorrhage, According to the Sampharn Model, Samphran Hospital, Nakhon Pathom Province. Journal of Arts Management, 3(2), 125–140. Retrieved from
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