Predicting Factors On Generation Y’s Risk and Behavioral Usage of Online Social Media with Media Literacy and Safety on Cyber Space

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ณิชารัศม์ ลิมปนเทวินทร์
พัชนี เชยจรรยา


            The main objective of this research is to study about Generation Y’s social media behavioral factor and media literacy together with the correlation factor of social media usage and risk behavioral. This research consisted of two main assumptions started with the factors of social media behavioral, risk behavioral and media literacy that correlate with cyber security and the factors of social media behavioral with media literacy correlate with risk behavioral. This is quantitative research using purposive sampling with sample group of Generation Y required to use social media every day. The finding indicates that most respondents are female aged between 20-25 years with the behavioral of liking to post, check and share personal information on social media. The finding also shown that Generation Y will play social media mostly after work till night time in between 19:00 – 23-59. For correlation factors, all variables are positively correlated with statistically significant at 0.001. For predicting factors, they are only two factors of social media behavioral and media literacy that can only be used to predict the safety factor of cyber security.

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