เว็บไซต์ยูทูบ (ภาษาไทย) กับการสื่อสารความเกลียดชัง

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มัทนา นันตา
พิรงรอง รามสูต


This research has the following objectives: 1) to study the technological attributes of Youtube that may affect the production and dissemination of hate speech in the online sphere; 2) to explore the situation of online hate speech in the areas of politics, religion, and belief systems; 3) to seek the attitudes of those who may fall into the target groups of hate speech in the areas mentioned; 4) to study the socio-historical context that may incubate hate speech in these areas. The research finds that content production on Youtube offer high flexibility in terms of speed, meshing of content in multimedia form, replicability and usability of content across different media platforms. Meanwhile, Youtube content is also easily searchable, retrievable, and accessable through through search engine machnism and network compatible devices, while having long sustenance for constant access and views. Based on the political content in the studied clips, two target groups or basis of hate could be delineated: The targets of two opposing fronts- the red-shirt camp which consist the UDD, The Puea Thai Party, and supporter of former prime minister, Thaksin Shinawatra, and the anti-red-shirted camp which consist of the Democrat party, and those who hold hostile view against the elements in the red-shirted camp. The main point of attack for the former are disloyalty to the monarch, contemptuous stupidity, and inclination to violence while the point of attack for the latter usually revolve around blind fanaticism of the monarchy, the alleged use of violence against protesters, and tendency toward practicing double standard. As for the religious content in the studied clip, the main targets are Muslims with the main basis of hate revolving around Islamic teaching, lifestyle, and usual stereotypes about the traits towards violence. According to the results from the content analysis, the study finds a range of severity of hate speech, the mode of communicating hate via the youtube website, and the strategy in creating hate speech. As for the in-depth interviews, the study finds that interview subjects who are usual targets of hate feel that hate speech on Youtube does not necessity leas to physical violence. In addition, the interview results with experts in the mentioned field find that socio-historical context which may have contributes to fostering political hate speech are
1) Mainstream thought on “Thainess, and
2) Class conflict, Meanwhile, those that may have contributed to the spread of religious hate speech are
     1) Generalized perception of Islam from the past
     2) An image of Islam as am enemy of the West,
     3) Islamophobia in the Western World,
     4) Insurgency crisis in the three Southernmost provinces, and
     5) Mainstream thought on “Thainess.”

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