Storytelling of Social Issues in Online Video Clips

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นิพัทธา อินทรักษา
พนม คลี่ฉายา


            This research aims to explore and describe the storytelling of social issues, the disseminating context, and the connection between the content of video clips on

online media and the main ideas of their delivered social issues. This qualitative research employs textual analysis to analyze 15 video clips with more than 100,000 views, all of which are about social issues on online media during the period of 2015-2017.

            The research has found that video clips are about  social issues  on online  media

present the content in two ways: a true story and a fictional story. For the latter, it can be either based on true story or completely imaginary. On the other hand, the storytelling can be categorized according to genre as well: drama, documentary, comedy, musical and animation.

            Regarding of disseminating context, it is found that in order for a video clip to be shared and viewed, its content, length, subtitles, hashtags and release periods of festivals and important days must aid the clip to go viral.

            For the social issues portrayed via video clips on online media, the relationship between an individual and the society; the relationship among different social groups; issues derived from technology advancement and issues of deviant behavior related matter are the main focus. In addition, they indicate the social issues occurred between 2015-2017 including ethics and morality, social harmony, equality in education, family violence, sexual harassment and gender equality, natural resources and environmental issues, safe and creative media, public mind, law and regulation, hygiene and nutrition.

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