The Analysis of Fake News and The Level of Media Literacy of Users in Bangkok

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นันทิกา หนูสม
วิโรจน์ สุทธิสีมา


This study aimed to study fake news and the level of media literacy of fake news on facebook of the receiver in Bangkok. This study was quantitative research, it started

with analyzing the content of fake news found on the social network of 30 stories then the classification and content of the fake news. Then was survey the level of seeing through a trick of the recipient in Bangkok and factors that made the audience believe in fake news with 400 online questionnaires. The results of the research were as follows: 1) fake news which was mostly found was bogus, the most found of content was fabricate content. The intent was to create a complete fake news all content was freshly invented, including images, headlines, content and information appearing in the news. This method of creating complete fake news was a method developed from a click bait because the recipients were seeing through a trick of click bait. Fake news presenter has changed the presentation format in order to make readers cannot know the trick. 2) The level of media literacy of the receiver in Bangkok was at middle level considering each level, Access, Analyze, and Evaluate were at a high level. All three skills were essential skills for the media consumers, at the level of creativity; the media had the lowest level of creativity in the media. 3) It was found that the composition of the news that made the sample very trustworthy was the news that celebrity sources were famous. The other factors that made the news reliable, for high level was the news often presented on the facebook’s news feed and news that readers could always find reasons to support their beliefs.

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