Perceived Source Credibility, Perceived Risk that Affected on Purchase Intention Dietary Supplement for weight control on Facebook

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ชยานี ชูประยูร
พรพรรณ ประจักษ์เนตร


The objectives of this study are: 1) to examine the perceived source credibility among customers who purchase dietary supplement for weight control product, 2) to investigate consumer’s perceived risk on dietary product, 2) to investigate consumer’s perceived risk on dietary supplement for weight control product, 3) to examine customers’ purchase intention on dietary supplement for weight control product, 4) to determine the effect of demographic factors on perceived source credibility, 5) to investigate the relationship between perceived source credibility and perceived risk on dietary supplement for weight control products, 6) to investigate the relationship between perceived risk and customers’ purchase intention on dietary supplement for weight control products, 7) to investigate the relationship between perceived source credibility and customers’ purchase intention on dietary supplement for weight control products. Quantitative research method was employed in this study. Four hundred respondents who are living in Bangkok and have ever purchased the dietary supplement for weight control products were recruited in this study. An online survey was conducted between February and March, 2018. The results demonstrated that the demographic factors such as gender, age, occupation and income successfully predicted perceived source credibility. Perceived source credibility correlated with perceived risk at the significant levels 0.01 but perceived source credibility and perceived risk irrelevant with consumer’s purchase intention.

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