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โกเมศ สุพลภัค
เมตตา วิวัฒนานุกูล


The purposes of this research were to study perception of multinational corporations in Thailand on cultural diversity in the organization and to survey ways of communication to manage cultural diversity of multinational corporations in Thailand. Qualitative method was used to in-depth interview with 15 HR managers and 9 experts and scholars in organizational cultural - diversity management. The results were found as follow: 1) Multinational corporations in Thailand perceive cultural diversity the most in “nationality" dimension"2) Cultural diversity is perceived to be "manageable" and "unmanageable." Considering “manageable” cultural diversity, ways of communication to manage organizations' cultural diversity are classified into two approaches: 1) the Management Approach which focuses on “equality creation through the process of recruitment and selection, formation of structure and functions, remuneration and benefits, work promotion, location and work environment settlement including the establishment of “Diversity Management Office” or “Diversity and Minority Affair 2) the Inter cultural Communication Approach is to develop and enhance intercultural communication skills needed to live and work with cultural diversity by providing cultural training, orientation and language learning.

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