Structural Equation Model of Factors Influencing Acceptance of Government Electronic Payment System among Elderly in Bangkok

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บัญชา หมั่นกิจการ
พรพรรณ ประจักษ์เนตร


This research was aimed to: (1) examine perceived risk, perceived security, prior experience,  information quality,  system quality,  service quality,  perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use toward acceptance of government electronic payment system among elderly in Bangkok; (2) investigate correlation between perceived risk perceived security, prior experience, information quality, system quality, service quality, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and behavioral intention and acceptance of government electronic payment system among elderly in Bangkok; and (3) validate structural equation model of factors influencing of perceived risk perceived security prior experience information quality, system quality, service quality, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and behavioral intention on acceptance of government electronic payment system among elderly in Bangkok. This research is quantitative method by employing of 200 respondents who were elderlies residing in Bangkok. Validated questionnaires with alpha coefficient of 0.722 – 0.923 were used as a research tool. Structural equation model statistical technique was used to analyzed data. The finding revealed that the validation of structural equation model of factors influencing acceptance of government electronic payment system among elderly in Bangkok was in congruence with empirical data, which passes the criteria of 4 form 11 fit indices as follow (1) Chi-Square/df = 2.501  (2) NFI = 0.908  (3)CFI = 0.915, and  (4) IFI = 0.917. It also found that information quality, system quality, service quality, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and behavioral intention had a direct positive effect on actual government electronic payment system. In addition, perceived risk was found to have a direct negative effect on actual government electronic payment system whereas perceived security, prior experience were found to have an indirect positive effect on actual government electronic payment system.

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