The Monitoring and Evaluation of The Best Locality School Project in Nakhon Ratchasima Province

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พรพิมล ตั้งใจ
บุญชม ศรีสะอาด
นุชวนา เหลืองอังกูร


The Monitoring and Evaluation is the process of seeking data to be used for providing and
developing operations in next time which will be the efficient. The purposes of this study were to
evaluate the availabilities of the first before the project operation in personnel operation,
objective plans, premises and equipments and facilities.. And then to monitoring and evaluate the
progress of the operations. Moreover; to monitoring and evaluate the results of project
operations .The samples used in this study were the administrator, teacher, the students and
parents representatives whom participating in The Best Locality School Project in Nakhon
Ratchasima from 4 schools with a total of 204 people. There were 3 instruments used for
collecting data; the observation with discriminating power (rxy) ranging .41-.91 and a reliability
of .84, interviews and a 5-rating- scale questionnaire with discriminating power (rxy) ranging .41-.89
and a reliability of .96. The statistics used for analyzing the collected data were percentage, mean
and standard deviation.
The results of the study were as follows;
1. The availabilities and contexts before the general implementation of the Best
Locality School Project of Nakhon Ratchasima province had as a whole at moderate level
2. The implementation processes of the Best Locality School Project of Nakhon
Ratchasima province had a whole at moderate level. By the students representative, have
commented that the implementation of the project had appropriate in high level but the
administrator and teacher representatives have commented that the implementation of the
project had appropriate in moderate level.
3. The outcomes of the Best Locality School Project of Nakhon Ratchasima province
had as a whole at high level. The outcomes of environments, administrator, teacher and personnel
outcomes in the school, the outcomes of students and the outcomes of community had value or
appropriate in high level all of items. The administrator teacher, student and parents
representatives have commented that the outcomes of the project had appropriate in high level
The implementation of project problems were the operations in the school not available
for implementation project, personnel and teacher were enough, and the participants lacked  understanding of the project, mover; they were incorporate the project and lacked supervision and
follow-up in continuity and earnestly from the participated agency.
The recommendations about the project should prepare the available implementations
plan. Staff and teachers should allocate a sufficient number for demand. The plan should be
shared between relevant agencies, promote the implementation of the project consistently and
actively, operating the schedule a follow-up supervision and evaluation of a particular project and
reporting the summary of the project to the agencies.

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Research Article