Morale of Supporting Staff of Mahasarakham University

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วัลยา อุดรไสว
ประโยชน์ ส่งกลิ่น
นงลักษณ์ แสงมหาชัย


Morale will give practitioners the ability to increase, and use existing ability to
benefit even more. Thus, this study aimed to examine level of morale of work of
Supporting Staff of Mahasarakham University, investigate the factors related to morale
of work of Supporting Staff, and suggestions for strengthen to morale of work of Supporting
Staff. The sample consisted of 258 Supporting Staffs of Mahasarakham University, obtained
through the stratified random sampling technique. The instruments used for gathering
data were a 48-item scale on morale of work with having discrimination powers in
the range of .28-.90 and reliability of .96 ; and a 22-item scale on factors related
to morale of work efficiency with having discrimination powers in the range of .45-
.83 and reliability of .94. Data ware analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation,
and simple correlation analysis using Pearson's correlation. The results of the study
were as follows :
1. The level of morale of work of Supporting Staff of Mahasarakham University
overall were at high level, and the level of the factors related to morale of Supporting
Staff of Mahasarakham University overall were at high level ; the level of Motivator
Factors of Supporting Staff of Mahasarakham University and Hygiene Factors of Supporting
Staff of Mahasarakham University at high level.
2. The factors related to morale of work of Supporting Staff of Mahasarakham
2.1 The correlation coefficient between the Motivation Factors and
Morale of Supporting Staff of Mahasarakham University included : Advancement (X3),
The Work Itself (X4), Recognition (X2), Responsibility (X5) and Achievement (X1) respectively.
These factors had a correlation coefficient of .583, .568, .521, .504, .480 with the
statistical significant at p-value .01.
2.2 The correlation coefficient between the Hygiene Factors and Morale
of Supporting Staff of Mahasarakham University included : Working Conditions (X10),
Supervision (X7), Inter Personal Relation (X8), Company Policy and Administration (X6)
and Salary (X9) respectively. These factors had a correlation coefficient of .689, .628,
.608, .589, .585 with the statistical significant at p-value .01 .
3. Suggestions for strengthen to morale of work of Supporting Staff of
Mahasarakham University.
3.1 Motivation Factors were related to morale of work. Thus, Mahasarakham
University should strengthen morale of work in Responsibility Factor, and Achievement
3.2 Hygiene Factors were related to morale of work. Thus, Mahasarakham
University should strengthen morale of work in Inter Personal Relation Factor, Company
Policy and Administration Factor, and Supervision Factor.
In conclusion, the results of the study morale of Supporting Staff of Mahasarakham
University. Administrators should strengthen the Motivation Factors and Hygiene Factors
to increase, to achieve the develop of morale of Supporting Staff, by stimulation in
Responsibility Factor and Inter Personal Relation Factor for develop morale of work
of Supporting Staff of Mahasarakham University.

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Research Article