The Development of Basic Personality Scales for upper Secondary School Students

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Poonpong Suksawang
Pattrawadee Makmee


         The objectives of this study were: 1) to develop basic personality scales for upper secondary education students; 2) to examine structural validity of the basic personality scales that have been developed with the empirical data for upper secondary education students; and 3) to try out the basic personality scales that have been developed for upper secondary education students. The sample consisted of 600 upper secondary education students, obtained through multi-stage random sampling, and a second order confirmatory factor analysis was employed in the data analysis.

           The research findings were:

           1. The basic personality scales for upper secondary education students consisted of five personality factors: neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness, and conscientiousness, with a total of 178 items. All items had the I-CVI over .80; the item-to-scale correlations ranged from .20 to .71; and the total reliability was .98.

           2. The basic personality scales that had been developed were consistent with the empirical data, having χ2 = 535.67, df = 271, relative chi-square = 1.98, RMR = .02, NFI = .90, TLI = .92, and GFI = .94. The extraversion had the highest factor loading (1.00), followed by the factor loadings of neuroticism, agreeableness, openness to experience, and conscientiousness which had the values of .98, .85, .82, and .60 respectively.

           3. The basic personality scales for upper-secondary education students that had been developed and the NEO™ Personality Inventory-3 were significantly correlated at the .01 level.

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