Development of Models for Curriculum Management and for Organizing Learning Activities According to the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy for Schools under the Office of the Secondary Education Service Area 25

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Sutum Thummatasananon


        The study aimed to: 1) study the current and desirable conditions of the curriculum management and organizing learning activities according to the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy for the schools under the Office of the Secondary Education Service Area 25; and 2) develop models for curriculum management and for organizing learning activities according to the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy for schools under the Office of the Secondary Education Service Area 25. The study was divided into 2 phases. Phase 1 dealt with the study of the current and desirable conditions of the curriculum management and organizing learning activities according to the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy for the schools under the Office of the Secondary Education Service Area 25. The sample consisted of 443 school administrators and teachers under the Office of the Secondary Education Service Area 25, obtained through stratified random sampling, and the sample size was determined according to the Krejcie and Morgan Table. Phase 2 dealt with development of the models for curriculum management and for organizing learning activities according to the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy. The process was divided into 2 steps: Step 1 was the study of curriculum management and organizing learning activities according to the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy in 3 schools with the best practice. The informants were 6 school administrators and academic teachers, obtained through purposive sampling; and Step 2) was the verification of the suitability and possibility of the models for curriculum management and for organizing learning activities. The informants were 9 experts, obtained through purposive sampling. The research tools used in the study consisted of a questionnaire with the reliability of 0.97, an interview form, a record form, and an assessment form. The statistics employed in the analysis of data were the mean, standard deviation, PNI modified, and content analysis.

The results were as follows:

          1. The current condition of the curriculum management and organizing learning activities according to the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy for schools under the Office of the Secondary Education Service Area 25, on the whole, was in the high level ( gif.latex?\bar{x} = 3.75). The desirable condition of the curriculum management and organizing learning activities according to the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy for schools under the Office of the Secondary Education Service Area 25, on the whole, was in the high level (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.28).

          2. Regarding the models for curriculum management and for organizing learning activities according to the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy for schools under the Office of the Secondary Education Service Area 25, they were found to be divided into 5 parts: Part 1) concepts, principles and objectives of the model; Part 2) the components of the models for curriculum management and for organizing learning activities according to the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy were the context, inputs, process, outputs, and feedbacks, Part 3) implementation of the models; Part 4) evaluation; and Part 5) conditions for achievement. The assessment on the suitability of the models for curriculum management and for organizing learning activities according to the Philosophy of sufficiency economy revealed that the models, on the whole, were suitable in the high level ( gif.latex?\bar{x} =4.62). Meanwhile, the possibility of the models for curriculum management and for organizing learning activities according to the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy for schools under the Office of the Secondary Education Service Area 25, on the whole, was in the high level ( gif.latex?\bar{x} =4.40 and PNI= 0.68).  

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