Development of the Local Curriculum on Elephant Study For Grade 11 Students of Changboonwittaya School

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Chitiphat Sukkasemsin
Boonchom Srisa-ard


This research aimed to: 1) develop a local curriculum on elephant study; 2) study the results of implementation of the local curriculum on elephant study. The target group consisted of 15 grade 11 students of Changboonwittaya School, Secondary Education Service Area Office 33, in the second semester of the academic year 2017. The instruments were the local curriculum, learning organizing plans, a questionnaire and an interview form for the study of needs in local curriculum development, a local curriculum assessment form, a learning organizing plan assessment form, a learning achievement test, a test for practical experience, and a test for satisfaction with organizing for learning according to the curriculum on elephant study. The statistics employed in the analysis of data were percentage, the mean, standard deviation, and the Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Signed-Rank Test was employed in the test of the difference between the mean score before learning and the mean score after learning.

The results are as follows.

1) The curriculum that had been developed had its specificity of raising elephant, elephant care and traditional culture of the Kuay people, problems and conservation of Thai elephants.

2) The results of the local curriculum implementation revealed that the students who had learned through the local curriculum had their learning achievement scores after learning higher than before learning, with statistical significance at the .01 level. The students had a very good level of performance and were satisfied with learning organized according to the local curriculum that had been developed at a high level.

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